If you’re looking for some cute space names for cats, dog or other pets, your options are pretty much as infinite as the universe itself. I had such a hard time narrowing down this list to just a manageable few hundred! The names below are inspired by stars, planets, and astronauts. You should have no problem finding the perfect idea for your new four-legged friend.
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128 Names Inspired by Stars & Constellations
There are literally countless (as in we literally cannot count them all) stars in the universe, but we’ve only named an itty-bitty fraction of them. Most of them have really boring names like HD10390, but some have really cool names! Of those, here are a few that I think would work great for your pets. Some are individual stars, others are constellations.
- Acamar
- Adhafera
- Ain
- Albireo
- Alcor
- Alcyone
- Alfirk
- Alioth
- Alphard
- Altair
- Aludra
- Alya
- Andromeda
- Ankaa
- Antares
- Aquila
- Arcturus
- Aries
- Arrakis
- Atlas
- Atria
- Avior
- Baham
- Bellatrix
- Betelgeuse
- Bootes
- Caelum
- Capella
- Carina
- Cassiopeia
- Castor
- Cepheus
- Cetus
- Chamaeleon
- Chara
- Columba
- Corvus
- Cujam
- Cygnus
- Delphinus
- Dorado
- Draco
- Edasich
- Electra
- Eltanin
- Enif
- Fornax
- Furud
- Gemma
- Grus
- Hadar
- Hamal
- Heka
- Hercules
- Heze
- Hydrus
- Indus
- Jabbah
- Ke Kuan
- Kitalpha
- Kraz
- Kuma
- Lacerta
- Leo
- Lesath
- Lynx
- Lyra
- Maaz
- Maia
- Marfik
- Matar
- Mekbuda
- Menkar
- Mensa
- Merak
- Merope
- Mimosa
- Mintaka
- Mira
- Mirach
- Mirzam
- Mizar
- Musca
- Naos
- Nashira
- Nekkar
- Norma
- Nunki
- Nusakan
- Orion
- Pavo
- Perseus
- Phoenix
- Polaris
- Pollux
- Pyxis
- Rana
- Rasalas
- Rastaban
- Regulus
- Rigel
- Ruchba
- Sabik
- Sadatoni
- Sagitta
- Sarin
- Scorpius
- Segin
- Shaula
- Sheratan
- Signus
- Sirius
- Talitha
- Tania
- Thabit
- Thuban
- Tian Ke
- Tucana
- Tyl
- Ursa
- Ursa
- Vega
- Vela
- Zaniah
- Zaurak
- Zhou
- Zi
- Zozma
73 Space Pet Names Inspired by Planets
Again, there are far more planets than we can count, but these ones have the coolest names!
- Ægir
- Agouto
- Arber
- Arkas
- Asye
- Babylonia
- Bagan
- Barajeel
- Bélisama
- Bendida
- Brahe
- Bran
- Buru
- Cruinlagh
- Dagon
- Dimidium
- Drukyul
- Dulcinea
- Eiger
- Eyeke
- Finlay
- Fortitudo
- Galileo
- Ganja
- Guarani
- Halla
- Hämarik
- Harriot
- Hypatia
- Isagel
- Isli
- Iztok
- Janssen
- Jebus
- Jupiter
- Kavian
- Kererū
- Khomsa
- Krotoa
- Lete
- Madriu
- Magor
- Majriti
- Makropulos
- Mastika
- Mars
- Mercury
- Nakanbé
- Naron
- Neri
- Peitruss
- Pipitea
- Pirx
- Pollera
- Poltergeist
- Pluto (yeah, I know, but it’ll always be a planet to me!)
- Quijote
- Ramajay
- Saffar
- Sancho
- Santamasa
- Sissi
- Tadmor
- Tanzanite
- Tassili
- Thestias
- Toge
- Tondra
- Viculus
- Venus
- Vytis
- Xólotl
- Yanyan
122 Names Inspired by NASA Astronauts
Want to name your pet after one of the hundreds of astronauts that have flown with NASA since the space program began? Here are a few that I love. I listed them in alphabetical order by last name because I think those make the best pet names, but I also included the first name.
FYI, If you want to see the full list along with missions, gender, time in space, etc I used The Guardian’s Datablog. You can even download all of the data into a spreadsheet.
- Acaba, Joseph M.
- Akers, Thomas D.
- Aldrin, Buzz
- Altman, Scott D.
- Anders, William A.
- Antonelli, Dominic A.
- Armstrong, Neil A.
- Ashby, Jeffrey S.
- Baker, Ellen S.
- Barratt, Michael R.
- Bassett, Charles A., II
- Bean, Alan L.
- Bobko, Karol J.
- Boe, Eric A.
- Bowersox, Kenneth D.
- Brady, Charles E., Jr.
- Bresnik, Randolph J.
- Bull, John S.
- Burbank, Daniel C.
- Cagle, Yvonne D.
- Caldwell, Tracy E.
- Cameron, Kenneth D.
- Carpenter, M. Scott
- Carr, Gerald P.
- Carter, Manley Lanier, Jr.
- Casper, John H.
- Cassidy, Christopher J.
- Chaffee, Roger B.
- Chapman, Philip K.
- Chiao, Leroy
- Chilton, Kevin P.
- Clark, Laurel B.
- Clifford, Michael R.
- Coats, Michael L.
- Cooper, L. Gordon, Jr.
- Covey, Richard O.
- Creamer, Timothy J.
- Creighton, John O.
- Cunningham, Walter
- Currie, Nancy J.
- Drew, Alvin B.
- Duffy, Brian
- Duke, Charles M., Jr.
- Dunbar, Bonnie J.
- Eisele, Donn F.
- Epps, Jeanette J.
- Fabian, John M.
- Ferguson, Christopher J.
- Fischer, Jack D.
- Fisher, Anna L.
- Ford, Kevin A.
- Forrester, Patrick G.
- Fossum, Michael E.
- Garriott, Owen K.
- Glenn, John H., Jr.
- Godwin, Linda M.
- Gorie, Dominic L.
- Griggs, S. David
- Hammond, L. Blaine, Jr.
- Hansen, Jeremy
- Hart, Terry J.
- Hawley, Steven A.
- Horowitz, Scott J.
- Hurley, Douglas G.
- Ivins, Marsha S.
- Jemison, Mae C.
- Jett, Brent W.
- Kanai, Norishige
- Kavandi, Janet L.
- Kerwin, Joseph P.
- Kilrain, Susan L.
- Lawrence, Wendy B.
- Lindsey, Steven W.
- Llewellyn, John A.
- Lockhart, Paul S.
- Love, Stanley G.
- Lu, Edward T.
- Lucid, Shannon W.
- Magnus, Sandra H.
- Massimino, Michael J.
- McCool, William C.
- Melnick, Bruce E.
- Melroy, Pamela A.
- Morin, Lee M.
- Musgrave, Story
- Nowak, Lisa M.
- Nyberg, Karen L.
- Oefelein, William A.
- Onishi, Tayuka
- Onizuka, Ellison S.
- Oswald, Stephen S.
- Pettit, Donald R.
- Pogue, William R.
- Poindexter, Alan G.
- Reightler, Kenneth S., Jr.
- Reilly, James F.
- Reisman, Garrett E.
- Resnik, Judith A.
- Ride, Sally K.
- Rominger, Kent V.
- Roosa, Stuart A.
- Runco, Mario, Jr.
- Scobee, Francis R.
- Searfoss, Richard A.
- Sega, Ronald M.
- Shaw, Brewster H., Jr.
- Slayton, Donald K.
- Stott, Nicole P.
- Swigert, John L., Jr.
- Tani, Daniel M.
- Tanner, Joseph R.
- Thagard, Norman E.
- Thorne, Stephen D.
- Thornton, Kathryn C.
- Tingle, Scott D.
- Truly, Richard H.
- Voss, James S.
- Walker, David M.
- Wetherbee, James D.
- Wisoff, Peter J. K.
- Yui, Kimiya
- Zamka, George D.
At some point, I may add asteroids, moons and other space names to this list, but it was already getting out of control (there are thousands of named asteroids alone). I think for now this gives you plenty to work with!
What are your favorite space names for cats, dogs, etc? I’d love to hear from you!