From gods and goddesses to epic heroes to incredible creatures, there’s no shortage of inspiration when it comes to Greek mythology names for pets!
Most people know about the 12 Greek gods and goddesses from Mount Olympus, but did you know that there are hundreds more deities in Greek mythology?
I divided these up into the different categories of deities, starting with the Primordials (since they started everything themselves). Use the table of contents to jump around, or just browse the entire list.
Primordial Gods & Goddesses Names
The Primordials came before everything. In fact, they kind of are everything! Here are my favorites.
- Aion: eternity
- Chronos: time
- Erebus: darkness and shadow
- Eros: love
- Gaia: Earth (mom to the Titans)
- Hemera: day
- Hypnos: sleep
- Nemesis: retribution
- Nesoi: islands
- Nyx: night
- Ourea: mountains
- Pontus: the sea (before Poseidon came along)
- Tartarus: the deep dark underworld
- Thalassa: she personifies the sea.
- Thanatos: death
- Uranus: the heavens (dad to the Titans)
Nyx and Erebus are the coolest Greek mythology names ever for a black cat or dog, don’t you think?
Names Inspired by Greek Titans
- Coeus: Intellect
- Cronus: Harvests, destructive time. (Different from Chronos, fyi)
- Hyperion: Light
- Iapetus: Mortality
- Phoebe: Intellect and prophecy
- Rhea: Fertility and motherhood
- Tethys: Fresh water goddess
- Theia: Sight and blue skies
- Themis: The “law and order” goddess
- Asteria: Falling stars
- Atlas: Endurance (he carried the heavens on his shoulders)
- Helios: Sun & promises
- Selene: The moon
- Eos: Dawn
- Leto: Also a goddess of motherhood
- Metis: Good advice and craftiness.
- Prometheus: Forethought. He also gave us fire and get credit for creating humans.
Out of these, Asteria is my favorite. It’s so pretty and mystical!
Major Greek Gods and Goddesses Names
These are the 14 that pretty much everyone knows. Most of them have dominion over more than what’s listed below, but these are the things for which they’re best-known.
- Aphrodite: love, beauty, desire
- Apollo: music, arts, knowledge
- Ares: war, courage
- Artemis: hunt, animals, the moon
- Athena: wisdom, skill, warfare
- Demeter: harvest, agriculture, growth
- Dionysus: wine, parties, madness
- Hades: the Underworld and the dead
- Hephaestus: fire, metalworking, and crafts.
- Hera: Queen of the gods, women, marriage, childbirth
- Hermes: travel, trade, language
- Hestia: hearth and home.
- Poseidon: sea and rivers.
- Zeus: King of the gods, sky, weather, lightning.
I’ve always loved Demeter. She seems to be the kindest and gentlest among the major Greek deities. As far as pet names go, though, I really like Artemis or Hermes. I think Hermes would be a good name for a fast dog!
Greek Mythology Names Inspired by Other Deities
I was going to call these “lesser deities,” but some of them were actually pretty important to different areas of ancient Greece. So let’s just go with “other.” They’re broken down into four major categories: underworld, sea, sky, and rustic (earthy deities).
- Angelos: one of Zeus’ and Hera’s daughters
- Charon: the Ferryman
- Erebos: darkness
- Hecate : magic & witchcraft, ghosts, the moon
- Aiakos: one of the judges of the dead
- Macaria: blessed death
- Melinoe daughter of Persephone and Zeus.
- Minos: once a king, now he casts the final vote when judging the dead
- Persephone: queen of the underworld, Demeter’s daughter
- Thanatos: god of death
- Zagreus: hunting and rebirth
- Alpheus: a river god.
- Amphitrite: Poseidon’s wife
- Brizo: goddess sailors
- Ceto : goddess of of sea monsters
- Glaucus: god of fishermen
- Leucothea: a goddess who helped sailors
- Nereus: god of the sea’s fish bounty
- Scamander: a river god (a good Harry Potter pet name, too)
- Alectrona: goddess of the morning
- Arke: she was the Titan’s messenger
- Astraios: god of planets and astrology
- Aura: goddess of the breezy, cool air
- Boreas: a north wind and winter god
- Chione: goddess of snow
- Electra: one of the goddesses of the star cluster Pleiades
- Ersa: goddess of morning dew
- Iris: goddess of rainbows
- Maia: a very nurturing Pleiades goddess & mom to Hermes
- Notus: a south wind god
- Zephyrus: a west wind god
Rustic deities (gods of forests, mountains, and other earthy nature elements)
- Aetna – goddess Mount Etna
- Britomartis – goddess of hunting and trapping.
- Chloris – goddess of flowers.
- Corymbus – god of ivy fruits and a good pal to Dionysus
- Cybele – a mother goddess
- Hecaterus – god of the hekateris dance
- Khariklo- Chiron’s (the centaur) wife, daughter of Apollo
- Pan – god of the wild, music, and hunting
- Silenus – god of dance (another friend of Dion’s)
- Zagreus – god of the Orphic mysteries.
Persephone has always been my favorite Greek goddess, but as far as names go, I really love Maia. I named my Lab/Collie (below) after the goddess. She, too, was very nurturing and motherly. She passed away a few years ago (she was 15) and I miss her every day.
Pet Names From Creatures in Greek Mythology
There are countless creatures in Greek mythology. The giants alone could fill this entire post.
- Acanthis -a bird
- Actaeon- not a creature, but known for his dogs
- Aello- one of the Harpies
- Aethon – one of Ares’ horses
- Agrius- centaur
- Alcyoneus-giant.
- Alectryon – good name for a rooster
- Amalthea- a goat, and Zeus’ foster mom
- Aphros- a marine Centaur
- Arachne
- Arion- perfect horse name
- Argus- giant with 100 eyes
- Athos- giant
- Agrius- centaur
- Asbolus- centaur
- Amycus- centaur
- Balius – one of Achilles’ horses
- Boreas- one of the horses that pulls Zeus’ chariot
- Brontes -one of the Cyclops
- Cerberus- Hades’ three-headed dog
- Cerastes -perfect name for a snake!
- Ceto- a sea monster
- Charon- River Styx ferryman who transports the dead to the Underworld.
- Chiron- one of the most famous centaurs, he trained Heracles
- Chimera
- Corvus- Apollo’s crow
- Chthonius- great for a giant-breed dog
- Cycnus- a swan
- Damarchus- a werewolf
- Damysus- the fastest giant, so a great Greyhound name!
- Delphin- a dolphin
- Dinus= one of Poseidon’s immortal horses
- Dryad
- Enyo- one of the Graeae sisters
- Euryale- a Gorgon who could kill with her scream, so it’s perfect for a loud pet!
- Gerana- Hera turned her into a crane
- Geryon- another giant
- Gryphon
- Hippodamia – a lark
- Kobaloi- a trickster spirit
- Konabos – another one of Ares’ horses
- Ladon- a dragon
- Laelaps- great female hunting or sighthound dog name!
- Lamia- a vampiric daemon
- Maera-Erigone’s dog
- Medusa- the most famous of the Gorgons
- Notos- another of Zeus’ chariot-pulling horses
- Orion- he was a giant huntsman
- Orthrus- Cerebus’ two-headed brother
- Ouroboros- another great snake name!
- Philomela – a swallow
- Pholus- a centaur friend to Heracles.
- Procne – a nightingale bird
- Scylla
- Siren
- Thoon- yet another giant (there sure were a lot of them!)
- Tityos- you guessed it, another giant!
- Xanthus – horse belonging to Achilles
Greek Heroes, Important Women, & Other Mortals
Gods, goddesses and magical creatures aren’t the only source for good Greek mythology names for pets. There are hundreds of mere mortals (or half-mortals) who did some truly impressive things! Again, I divided these up into categories that made sense to me.
Heroes & Kings
- Achilles: hero of the Trojan War
- Ajax: both the Great and Lesser Ajax were Trojan war heroes
- Amycus: a son of Poseidon
- Bellerophon hero who killed the Chimera
- Castor: of Castor and Pollux, he was the mortal twin
- Codrus: an Athens king
- Creon: a Corinthian who’s claim to fame is that he was decent to Jason and Medea
- Daedalus: he made the labyrinth
- Gelanor: a king of Argos
- Ganymede: a Trojan hero and cup-bearer to the gods
- Hector: Trojan war hero
- Heracles: Greek equivalent of Hercules
- Icarus: son of Daedalus, he flew too close to the sun
- Jason: he was the leader of the Argonauts
- Meleager: an Argonaut
- Midas: the king who turned everything he touched to gold
- Nestor: a king and one of the Argonauts
- Odysseus : hero who inspired Homer’s Odyssey
- Orpheus: he’s best known for his journey to the Underworld to bring back his wife
- Perseus: demigod who killed Medusa
- Theseus: demigod who killed the Minotaur
Important Women in Greek Mythology
- Aegea: a queen of the Amazons
- Andromeda: wife of Perseus who became a constellation
- Antigone: daughter of Oedipus
- Antiope: Ares’ daughter and an Amazon
- Arachne: a weaver that Athena turned into a spider
- Ariadne: helped Theseus beat the Minotaur
- Asteria: one of the Amazons killed by Heracles
- Atalanta: helped hunt the Calydonian boar and find the Golden Fleece
- Cassandra: she saw the future, but no one believed her
- Cassiopeia: a queen and the mother of Andromeda
- Danaë: Perseus’ mom
- Electra: daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra
- Helen: the face that launched a thousands ships
- Hermione: Helen’s daughter
- Hippolyta: another queen of Amazons, sister to Antiope
- Medusa: once a beautiful mortal, turned into a Gorgon by spiteful Athena.
- Myrina: another Amazon queen
- Otrera: Amazon queen and mom to Hippolyta
- Pandora: the first woman ever
- Penelope : Odysseus’ wife
- Phaedra: Theseus’ wife
- Thrace: Oceanus’ daughter
I hope you found something amazing from this massive list of Greek mythology names! If you’re just in the planning stage of adopting a new pet, pin this post for later. 😀
References & Sources
- 126 Greek Gods and Goddesses Ultimate List + Greek Heroes. (n.d.).
- Atsma, A. J. (2000). THEOI GREEK MYTHOLOGY – Exploring Mythology in Classical Literature & Art.
- The Greek Gods: Full List and Background.
- Greek Gods and Goddesses, Mythology of Ancient Greece.
What are your favorite Greek mythology names for pets? I’d love to hear from you!